Module 1: LEARN IT
Outdoor Activities
Best Practice & Requirements

Why do Outdoor Activities?
Outdoor Activities challenge our young people to step outside of their comfort zone and this is where the magic happens! 21st-century skills are developed and young people experience the extraordinary. This is instrumental for their wellbeing, mindset, resilience, confidence and self esteem.
Outdoor Activity Requirements
Students need to do 5 Outdoor Activities. They could range from a bush walk to a challenging overnight experience. Use your local resources and environment for low cost adventures!
To meet our Outdoor Activity requirements your activities must be:
- Challenging with 2 or more hours of purposeful effort.
- Outdoors, off-site and take place over the school calendar year.
- Planned and facilitated by the school or a registered outdoor provider.
- Human-powered. (No quad biking, go-karting, or engine powered scootering etc.)
- Include opportunities for 21st-century skill development like confidence, leadership, communication skills and teamwork.

Outdoor Activity FAQs
What are some of the 21st-century skills developed with Outdoor Activities?
- Resilience, confidence and adaptability.
- A sense of accomplishment.
- Leadership and teamwork skills.
- Communication.
- Ability to make real decisions and accept real consequences.
- Self-reliance and independence.
- Appreciation of the great outdoors and how to stay safe.
- Sense of belonging and connectedness to peers, school and the outdoors.
- A willingness to try new things.
Can I get funding for Outdoor Activities?
Yes – there is plenty of funding available from providers. You’ll need to apply for it though. Check out our Funding Resources.
We are aware that costs will be incurred for Outdoor Activities, so take a look at our Funding Resources if you’d like some help with funding.
Who runs each Outdoor Activity?
When planning Outdoor Activities, keep in mind there are three ways they can be facilitated.
- Facilitate it yourself.
- Use an outdoor provider or
- Using an instructor.